Get Started Get Better Get Stuck Part 1 & Part 2 – Spark to Bonfire Video Teaching

by | Dec 30, 2019 | Spark To Bonfire Video

Get Started Get Better Get Stuck - Part 1 Spark to Bonfire Video by Seven Shomler Get Started Get Better Get Stuck - Part 2 Spark to Bonfire Video by Seven Shomler

Get Started Get Better Get Stuck Part 1 & Part 2 – Spark to Bonfire Video Teaching

With these two videos embedded below – Get Started Get Better Get Stuck Part 1 & Part 2  – Steven Shomler launches the Spark to Bonfire Channel!

In Part 1 Steven talks about getting started making videos, and then in the process of trying to get better – getting very stuck!

This story unfolds as Steven tells a parallel story involving the two times back in the 70’s that El Toro Rd washed out and he missed weeks of school.

In Part 2 Steven shares how he finally got unstuck thanks to the 2019 Edition of Portland BLT Week, his son Zac Shomler, and his sweetheart KC is me.



It’s a New Day Part 1 - The Struggle to Make Videos  It’s a New Day Part 2 - On An Epic Journey

It’s a New Day Part 1 The Struggle to Make Videos, and It’s a New Day Part 2 On An Epic Journey Steven Shomler Videos

During the Get Started Get Better Get Stuck Spark to Bonfire videos embedded above Steven references the Steven Shomler channel videos It’s a New Day Part 1 & part 2.

In Part 1 The Struggle to Make Videos Steven tells the story of his recent struggle making videos, he shares his game plan moving forward for making video content, and he introduces the Spark to Bonfire channel / video platform.

In Part 2 On An Epic Journey Steven continues the story he began in It’s a New Day Part 1, and he talks about the kind of videos you will begin to see on the Steven Shomler Channel.




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