The Four Treasures ~ Priceless Journey Enhancing Gems You Can Have in Your Life

by | Mar 13, 2022 | Inspiring Insights

The Four Treasures

The Four Treasures ~ Priceless Journey Enhancing Gems You Can Have in Your Life 

During this Spark to Bonfire inspiring insight, LifeStory Alchemist Steven Shomler unpacks each of these 4 gems that will greatly enhance your journey.

“Life is too short and too precious to live absent the four treasures” – Steven Shomler

To watch this inspiring insight, hit the play button in the middle of the image below

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About Spark to Bonfire

About Spark to Bonfire

Many people wish they had a better life…

Only an exceptional handful have a deeply held desire to someday pursue the life their heart longs for.

At Spark to Bonfire we inspire, equip, and guide those extraordinary individuals so they can blaze a trail to the life they are yearning for.

How Do We Do This?

We provide doable-step resources and one-on-one guidance that is enlightening and encouraging.

About Spark to Bonfire

Many people wish they had a better life…

Only an exceptional handful have a deeply held desire to someday pursue the life their heart longs for.

At Spark to Bonfire we inspire, equip, and guide those extraordinary individuals so they can blaze a trail to the life they are yearning for.

How Do We Do This?

We provide doable-step resources and one-on-one guidance that is enlightening and encouraging.

Here is a List of Our LifeChange Resources: 


Access our FREE resource – The 4 Reasons Why People Don’t Pursue Life Change ~



Purchase the Spark to Bonfire LifeChange Worksheet
Yours For Only $15 


Sign up for our monthly
LifeChange Wisdom email


Purchase one-on-one LifeChange Guidance session(s) with LifeStory Alchemist Steven Shomler


Purchase our 8-week step-by-step course Life Change Spark
Life Change Spark is a comprehensive, guided course for those who are ready to change their life and who want to work with a gifted life change expert. Get started on the path toward the life your heart longs for today. Coming May 9, 2022


The LifeChange Worksheet

The LifeChange Worksheet

13 Inspiring and Revealing Questions That Will Prepare You to Pursue the Life Your Heart Desires

Get yours now –  only $15.00

Click here to purchase


Included with your $15 purchase:

Access to two versions of the LifeChange Worksheet – one you can download/print or, if you prefer, one you can complete online.

Access to a 34-minute step by step guide unpacking each of the 13 Questions presented by LifeStory Alchemist Steven Shomler



The 4 Reasons Why People Don’t Pursue Life Change

The 4 Reasons Why People Don’t Pursue Life Change

Sign up here to access this FREE resource

Have you ever wondered why some people don’t improve their lives?

Have you ever wondered why some people don’t pursue life change?

Here is the big question – Have you ever wondered what’s holding you back from changing your life?

In this FREE Spark to Bonfire resource Life Story Alchemist Steven Shomler shares the four main reasons people don’t pursue life change.

Steven also reveals the four outlandish words people need to hear before they start pursuing life change.

Sign up here to access this FREE Spark to Bonfire resource

Life Change Spark

Life Change Spark 

Life Change Spark is a comprehensive 8-week step-by-step course for those who are ready to change their life.

Work with LifeStory Alchemist Steven Shomler and get started on the path toward the life your heart longs – Coming May 9, 2022


“I’ve always been so inspired by Steven’s life change story! That is why is was natural for me to turn to him when I was in need of a major life change.

Not that I was new to making major change; I had done so just two years before. But I was stuck, again! I had recently had a major break-up which also came with ending and dissolving a successful blogging/media partnership, which was a loss and I was in grieving mode.

I felt in dire need of discovering my next steps in my life and entrepreneurial journey. Sitting down with Steven is like having a true friend and guide take you by the hand and help you see more clearly.

He helped me step outside of the grief and my inner self-criticism and helped me identify what I no longer was willing to accept or allow in my life, and what I DID want out of a relationship and what I wanted for my life.

He helped me visualize and talk through my ideal path and ideal relationship. Making things more concrete in my mind, including helping me identifying to-dos to move me forward. Steven encouraged me to take action immediately and get to work with small steps. All along the way Steven cheers me on, re-affirms me… that I’m capable of all of the things when my doubts creep in, and pushes me to go after my dreams!

Always there to bounce ideas off of and always helps me get back on track, Steven is a mentor who cares deeply for his people…wanting only what is best for them!” – KJ

Testimonials Steven Helped Me

“I had a brilliant meeting with Steven. My head is still exploding with the possibilities he inspired.

I am so grateful for Steven. the time I spent with him and the wealth of information he shared with me made an impact in my world that helped me move in a new direction with courage.

Steven’s big heart & authenticity is so needed in the world.” – CB

Testimonials Steven Helped Me

“Steven is simply amazing. I felt like he immediately “got me” and my business ideas with a weird laser-like focus. Then he proceeded to perform some magical alchemy to transform them into much improved versions, way better and beyond what I could have done on my own.

He then helped me build a detailed roadmap to get me there which didn’t make me feel overwhelmed. All along the way he was intense, but kind and encouraging. He has helped me to see that I really can reach my dreams and I am forever grateful for his wisdom and unfailing support.” KS

Go Live The Life You Imagine Spark to Bonfire Steven Shomler

Spark To Bonfire
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